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10% of Mt. Kenya Forest Burnt Down!


The raging fire that has consumed an estimated 10 per cent of Mt Kenya for the last nine days has been contained by a combined effort of various agencies and the local communities.
There are no more active burning fires in the mountain. However, logs are still smoldering in isolated parts.
Small teams of fire-fighters from Kenya Wildlife Service and Kenya Forest Service are monitoring the smoldering fires and putting them out.
The big mammal species like elephants, buffalos, bush bucks and the primates have been moved away from the fire. However, an unknown number of smaller invertebrates and reptiles like snakes were killed by the fire.
We would like to advise the public to be careful when handling fires during this dry weather conditions.
From our investigations, we have determined that the fires in Mt Kenya were caused by arsonists with ill intentions.
A second fire has also been burning in the neighbouring Aberdare ranges. This has also largely been contained.
We appeal to the public to volunteer information to government agencies on suspects who could be lighting these fires as well as report any outbreaks of new fires.


The fire that has been raging in Mt Kenya since Thursday (March 15, 2012) is still burning. Efforts to put out the fire are still on with the support of many stakeholders and neighbouring community members.

The KWS Head of Airwing Maj (Rtd) Solomon Nyanjui and Mr Simon Gitau, the Mt Kenya National Park deputy warden on Saturday morning conducted an aerial surveillance and found fires still burning at various fronts. Fire was burning at Naromoru, Nairobi river, Burguret /Kahururura and Chogoria. A total 130 people are involved in the exercise.

The volunteers helping include the British Army, Kenya Forest Service, Lady Lori and communities from Nanyuki, Gathiuru and Naromoru. Lady Lori dropped four Bambi buckets of water on Burguret fire while the British army has brought in a Puma helicopter and other technical support. Further support to contain the fire has been received from Mt Kenya Trust, Tambuzi Farm, Born Free Foundation, Mt Kenya Tourist Circuit Association, Mountain Club of Kenya and Mt Kenya game scouts.

The weather conditions are windy, hot and low moisture content, conditions favourable to the spread of the fire.

Another fire burning in the Aberdare National Park is also being contained by several teams. In the meantime, KWS is mobilising further resources and other necessary support to save the two critical water towers from further destruction by the fire.